The skinny on the skinning
Didn't think producing Podcasts would be as time consuming as it is. Lots o' post-production work. Still fun, though.
I've taken another unplanned hiatus from skinning to work on, well, my job, but also goofing around with CSS and Strict XHTML. I'm thinking the Google/Sun partnership may be telling of the future of skinning... If we'll all eventually be using standards-compliant web-interfaces for even full-blown desktop applications, makes sense to learn the GUI intricacies of 'em, 'cuz that's what we'll be skinning in a decade.
Here's a mock-up of the new podcast site interface I'm piecing together as an experiment:
Tonight, I'm gonna try and get the secondary xPopups and shortcuts configured for the upper-left control module. Then I'll try putting some RainMeter stuff together for the two smaller blue orbs.
I've taken another unplanned hiatus from skinning to work on, well, my job, but also goofing around with CSS and Strict XHTML. I'm thinking the Google/Sun partnership may be telling of the future of skinning... If we'll all eventually be using standards-compliant web-interfaces for even full-blown desktop applications, makes sense to learn the GUI intricacies of 'em, 'cuz that's what we'll be skinning in a decade.
Here's a mock-up of the new podcast site interface I'm piecing together as an experiment:

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