Brainfart: A skinners tale

Friday, December 08, 2006

Singularity and Synovium in progress

A very unusual thing happened the other day. I received an email from a user requesting color-variations of my Synovium skin for Sysmetrix, released some time ago. His simple request precipitated something much more personally profound:

I found my muse.

Pulling up the original Photoshop files for the Synovium skin, two thoughts immediately entered my mind:

  1. The graphics for Synovium for AstonShell and LiteStep were almost completed a year ago.
  2. I really enjoy my graphic style

So, without further provocation work has again commenced on Synovium, as well as the Singularity Project for LiteStep and AstonShell that formed the impetus for this very blog. BTW: Big thanks, Mr. Chandler! :)

Here's a preview of what's going on with Synovium:

...and here's what Singularity is looking like so far:

I should comment that although these themes are for Windows software that all the development will me occurring on a PowerBook G4 Mac. Although I've had no difficulty running LiteStep, RainMeter, Rainlendar, or Sysmetrix via VirtualPC, no version of AstonShell yet tried (1.6+) has worked and I no longer have an WinXP box. This will of course make AstonShell theme development more, well, difficult, if not impossible. That is, unless some tortured soul coughs up a WinXP capable box for development or I get a Windows box for Christmas (quote from wife: "unlikely").

More to come...


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