iPulse system meter for Mac OS X, it rocks!

After having used and loved skinnable Windows system meters like SysMetrix and RainMeter for years, switching to a Mac provided an unanticipated conundrum. Sure, there are a plethora of sys-monitor widgets for Dashboard, and a few decent floating window monitors out there, but they, well, lacked the cool factor. Then I stumbled upon iPulse by Iconfactory. Actually enjoyed it so much, I wrote a review of it. In a nutshell, I REALLY likes it: it's really novel in its monitoring approach and easy to skin. If you're a skinner using Mac OS X, you really should get iPulse.
But... since this blog is dedicated to my skinning experience (temporarily forgetting the MicroSuck entries), I'll use this entry to self-advertise my latest skin, SYSmeter for iPulse, made while trying out iPulse for the review. Both the menu-bar and the floating monitor are skinned (as seen in the screenshot above). It's being released under the Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus license v1.0
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