Ubuntu Linux: Easier to install than Windows
Interesting posting submitted at Digg regarding the beta version of Ubuntu Linux. The reviewer checking out the beta demonstrates how installing Ubuntu Dapper Drake is now easier than a Windows install. Essentially, they are adapting a LiveCD (one that runs Ubuntu Linux entirely off a CD) so they can utilized a graphical interface for the installation process. This is a significant upgrade, considering that previous installers were text-based, depending on your system's capabilities.
Before any Windows fanboys (i.e.: SacRat) go running off in a fury about how Ubuntu is allegedly "crap" be sure to read the comments in that Digg article and the comments for the blog reviewing Ubuntu. Before knocking it, I advise you to try it. However, be aware that this is a beta version - though installation is simple, don't try this unless you are comfortable repartitioning your hard-drive.
Here's the comments for the Digg submission.
Here is the blog reviewing the Beta of Ubuntu version Dapper Drake.
Before any Windows fanboys (i.e.: SacRat) go running off in a fury about how Ubuntu is allegedly "crap" be sure to read the comments in that Digg article and the comments for the blog reviewing Ubuntu. Before knocking it, I advise you to try it. However, be aware that this is a beta version - though installation is simple, don't try this unless you are comfortable repartitioning your hard-drive.
Here's the comments for the Digg submission.
Here is the blog reviewing the Beta of Ubuntu version Dapper Drake.
At last! Just after 5 years of having Windows XP we can install Linux with GUI ;) Yes!
Still great to know this happens with Ubuntu although I bet the first attemp would turn into somewhat miserable (as usual) so I'd not expect Ubuntu having a decent installation GUI 'til the next version.
Wouldn't waste my time/money on downloading the second beta but I'll definitely give a try to the final version.
For drive partitioning I have some great, inexpensive and non-free GUI tools created by professionals which i like more than awful text-based tool some distros use. Besides, with it all my data remains intact after partitioning what I'm not sure about with Linux installers.
Unfortunately to you, Rich, for a Windows fanboy like me Ubuntu is far not the worst distro I've seen. Far not the worst ;) Still in many areas Linux ages below OSX/Windows in terms of usability and user comfort.
The most interesting thing for me in the upcoming Ubuntu is a new GNOME plus a chance to try a new accelerated Desktop with bells and whistles :)
Although my crappy outdated Radeon 9550 is obviously too slow for it: at least running a basic OGL screensaver proved to be too much ;)
SacRat, at 1:59 AM
Dude, all you do is install, play with it for an hour, and when you have trouble adjusting to an environment that isn't windows, you freak and start tossing insults at anything that doesn't cost $$$.
Obviously, you've never even loaded SuSE, Red Hat, or Fedora Core, all of which use very graphical installers or you wouldn't be making stupid comments like "At last! Just after 5 years of having Windows XP we can install Linux with GUI ;) Yes!"
mrbiotech, at 10:14 PM
Poor me.
Unfortunately unlike certain groups of users I don't feel orgasm when seing Tux. I don't get masochistic pleasure on editing endless config files or recalling another command line switch. I don't shout on every corner that Firefox is the best, free and fast browser (which is at least not true) and Linux is the manna for Desktop users. I don't rush into the local PC store to get new hardware just to make Open Office crawl slightly faster. That's my definite fault :)
I don't find it useful worshiping stone age technologies and calling them a "different paradigm", I'm not freaky enough to call clear faults of certain products "the strengths" or spending hours of time on making my software "just work" under another mega Linux distro. I don't fall to making Ubuntu vs Vista, MS Office vs Open Office comparisons with the second being the winner (greets to OSNews). I don't think that making pigs fly is a useful way of spending time.
I don't worship GPL (die, proprietary software!) and don't believe in free cheese for anyone (rather than "a victory communism in a standalone country"). I don't give up using a software just because it's not that much "free" as I would liked. I prefer having one single working program instead of a million of ones, chrashing every five minutes or requiring hours of RTFMing to work just because their developers didn't give a crap about GUI.
Sad you didn't get it 'til now :)
Good luck, buddy.
SacRat, at 4:16 AM
sacrat, in all honesty, you've already destroyed your own credibility ten times over with your constant barrage of asinine commentary. Must you keep feeding us with such gems as "I don't feel orgasm when seing Tux" and "I don't worship GPL (die, proprietary software!) "?
Let me address the ignorant and incorrect inferences you make in your retarded comment here:
Busting SacRat's illegitimate myths
"mrbiotech only worships linux:" Truth be told, ignoramus, my operating system of choice is Mac OS X, although I will accomplish my goals using whatever system is available, be it Windows 98, Gentoo Linux, Solaris, or Darwin. I'm relatively adept at all of them, and can easily point out the merits and faults of each. You, however, are well-versed in only ONE operating system, and feel threatened by any others you don't comprehend. Not surprisingly, you lash out on them because you haven't the wits about you to figure them out legitimately.
"mrbiotech rushes to the store to get specialty equipment to make his linux box run faster than it's normally slow self would:" Again, truth be told, the only OS I've every had to purchase upgrades to keep running was WindowsXP - it doesn't like legacy hardware unless you do extensive modification of the included services (not that you'd understand what those are, sacrat, because you obviously don't dig too deep). This is after having used SlackWare Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Fedora Core 3, 4, and 5, RedHat 8, RedHat 9, SuSE Linux, Damn Small Linux, Gentoo Linux, Debian Linux, and FreeBSD, each exclusively for at least a week just to give it a full-blown chance. Only once did I have an issue with a graphic card, and I issued one apt-get command at the command-line at it was resolved in 5 minutes. This was all on a 1Ghz Athlon HP with only 384mb of RAM and a 64mb ATI graphics card. Don't badger me about experience, sacrat- I've got you beat on this one more than you will ever know!
"Open-source technologies are stone-age" Nothing could belie your ignorance more than this stupid statement, sacrat! Darwin, the OS X kernel is an open-source technology, OpenGL is an open-source technology, PHP, Apache, MySQL, Ruby, and Ruby On Rails are open-source/free technologies that compose more than 80-90% of the web-apps on the net today! But according to your blanket statement these technologies are old, passe, and primitive? Hardly. You've made a MAJOR mistake, dude. See what happens when you make blanket statements without facts to back you up? ALWAYS provide supporting evidence, you nitwit!
"mrbiotech gives up fine commercial software to use open-source software only" Hardly. My typical work-day and hobby time use the following commercial software packages: Mac OSX, Adobe Photoshop, EndNote, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and VirtualPC, Apple KeyNote, Apple Pages, GarageBand, OmniOutliner, and VectorNTI (which probably costs more than all the software you have owned put together, sacrat). I also regularly use the following open-source or freeware products: jEdit, TextWrangler, FreeMind, FireFox (and its many freeware extensions, particularly the web-designers toolkit), and QuickSilver. I'd say that's a pretty even balance for someone you'd wish you could claim abandoned all commercial-ware for freeware. If you're not feeling like a hypocrite by now, SacRat, this is your que.
So when you say "Sad you didn't get it 'til now :).." sacrat, I feel that your ypocrisy, ignorance, stupidity, and shear denial of the facts are more evident than ever. You most CERTAINLY should be looking up facts when making blanket statements such as "I don't find it useful worshipping stone age technologies" and "Die, proprietary software!" You've painted yourself into a corner from which you cannot escape.
mrbiotech, at 3:42 PM
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